Cowles Freelance Writing and Photography

Bio – Colleen Cowles

Freelance writer & photographer Colleen Cowles loves documenting and capturing our diverse and amazing world, one expression, scene or story at a time. As an attorney and former CEO of a legal software company, Colleen makes use of her entrepreneurial passion and love of training, writing and photography in Cowles Freelance. Colleen accepts writing and photography assignments.

Her goals are to:
Transport you to places you’d like to visit through writing & photos, either helping to experience the destination through her lense and descriptions, or to help in prioritizing locations and itineraries for your future travel.
Create inspirational fine art photography.
Share observations on cultural and political structures around the world, to help in assessing, enhancing & appreciating our own lives, perceptions and culture.  
Use her legal, finance, real estate and business background to report on overseas living, investing and business opportunities, and to share lifestyle options with readers. 
Colleen is a member of the ITWPA (Intl’ Travel Writers & Photographers Alliance), has completed numerous photography and writing courses including digital photography through the University of Wisconsin, AWAI photo bootcamp, the ultimate photography workshop, stock photography workshop, pet photography workshop, the accelerated travel writing success program, ultimate travel writer’s live workshop and web program,
and travel writing and Spanish immersion expedition in Ecuador.
Colleen has a B.S. degree in English, a J.D. in Law, and has completed the Investools’ Masters Investor program.  Prior to attending law school, she was a successful Realtor, and designed a training course for the real estate industry.  She has attended the co-active coaching training program, and completed the Robbins Mastery program in NLP and leadership.  She is licensed to practice law in WI & MN, and has done extensive writing and training in the legal field including a legal treatise “A Practical Guide to Estate Planning” published by the ABA, all content of Cowles’ Legal Systems web content and system manuals ultimately purchased by Reuters, and numerous articles on estate and tax planning, business transition, and life planning.  
Ms. Cowles has travelled extensively throughout North America, Mexico, the Caribbean, South & Central America and New Zealand. 

Bio - Jhan Cowles

Starting in 1973 when they traveled to three corners of the United States in a red, white and blue van, Jhan and Colleen have always enjoyed being on the road and sharing those experiences with others.  Jhan has been a cook, a commercial salmon fisherman on Kodiak Island, a mechanical engineer, a computer programmer and tech support guru, and Colleen’s writing and photography partner.  His passions are writing, photography, hiking, biking, skiing, fishing, hunting,  and stock trading.