Cowles Freelance Writing and Photography


Today, we head to Sitka, our last stop of the cruise.  When we pull into the harbor, we’re greeted by eagles souring through the marina.

We’ll tour there today, and depart the ship to begin still more adventures tomorrow.   I’ll miss this group.  We’ve truly become family over the past nine days.  

Tours included with our cruise include the Sitka Totem Park, the Raptor Center, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Sheldon Jackson Museum which is the oldest museum in Alaska and focuses on native Alaskan artifacts.   

The hiking trails at Totem Park are fantastic, reminding us that despite the sunny weather we’re experiencing, we’re in the middle of a rain forest.  The green moss, ferns and huge trees fill the air with moisture and present more shades of green than a child’s megabox of crayons.   Eagles dive and play along the ocean path.

At the Raptor Center, we learn that there are six types of raptors – Eagles, hawks, falcons, osprey, owls, and kites.  The Center rescues injured raptors, rehabilitates them and returns them to the wild when feasible.  Those whose health does not allow for return to the wild live their lives at the Raptor Center and give us the opportunity to see these incredible creatures up close.

The Russian Orthodox Church is right in the middle of downtown Sitka, and has eagles sitting on the cross atop its’ spire.

The harbor is gorgeous at night.