We depart around dinner time and travel to Haines while we enjoy dinner.
I’m thankful for the long days. As we pull into Haines at about 8:30 p.m. it feels like late afternoon. Haines is surrounded by 360 degree jagged peak views. We pass Eldred Rock lighthouse in the Lynn Canal, one of the longest and deepest fjords in the world. The island and the lighthouse are dwarfed by the surrounding landscape.

The glass-like water in the harbor full of boats reflects the boats and the mountains.

We end the night by joining our shipmates for a leisurely walk into the small town of Haines, a non-touristy fishing town.

We stop to talk with several locals . Then, a good night’s sleep is in order. The Island Spirit beds are comfortable. After breakfast the next morning, we take a tour of Fort Seward, a WWII army base. Some of the buildings are now used as a hotel, a gift shop and the Alaska Indian Arts Center where Totem Pole Carvers work. These tours are included with our cruise.

The agenda makes it look like a kickback day while we travel to the Hoonah area, but there’s little break between whale watching and a sea lion colony where hundreds of sea lions vie for position on the rocks and play under a waterfall.

We all take a short break in the afternoon, followed by happy hour where we discover that we all prefer classic rock to the mellower music that’s being played. The crew happily makes the change.
A porpoise pod visits during dinner. We’ve been surrounded by wildlife, incredible beauty and fun people all day. Truly amazing.The following videos give an idea of what we are experiencing.